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Stefano Borgo: [Publications] [Author Rank by year] [Co-authors] [Prefers] [Cites] [Cited by]

Publications of Author

  1. Stefano Borgo
    Modal Operators with Adaptable Semantics for Multi-agent Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    AI*IA, 2005, pp:186-197 [Conf]
  2. Stefano Borgo
    A Multi-agent Modal Language for Concurrency with Non-communicating Agents. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CEEMAS, 2003, pp:40-50 [Conf]
  3. Stefano Borgo, Paulo Leitão
    The Role of Foundational Ontologies in Manufacturing Domain Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (1), 2004, pp:670-688 [Conf]
  4. Giancarlo Guizzardi, Claudio Masolo, Stefano Borgo
    In Defense of a Trope-Based Ontology for Conceptual Modeling: An Example with the Foundations of Attributes, Weak Entities and Datatypes. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ER, 2006, pp:112-125 [Conf]
  5. Stefano Borgo
    Coalitions in Action Logic. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IJCAI, 2007, pp:1822-1827 [Conf]
  6. Stefano Borgo, Nicola Guarino, Claudio Masolo
    A Pointless Theory of Space Based on Strong Connection and Congruence. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    KR, 1996, pp:220-229 [Conf]
  7. Stefano Borgo
    Quantificational Modal Logic with Sequential Kripke Semantics. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2005, v:15, n:2, pp:137-188 [Journal]
  8. Alessandro Oltramari, Laurent Prévot, Stefano Borgo
    Theoretical andpracticalaspects of interfacing ontologies andlexicalresources. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SWAP, 2005, pp:- [Conf]
  9. Stefano Borgo, Matteo Cristani, Roberta Cuel
    Formal ontology meets industry. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Applied Ontology, 2006, v:1, n:3-4, pp:217-220 [Journal]

  10. Artefacts and Roles: Modelling Strategies in a Multiplicative Ontology. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  11. Qualities in Possible Worlds. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  12. Behavior of a Technical Artifact: An Ontological Perspective in Engineering. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  13. Euclidean and Mereological Qualitative Spaces: A Study of SCC and DCC. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  14. Development of Modular Ontologies in CASL. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  15. Disentangling Knowledge Objects. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  16. The Attractiveness of Foundational Ontologies in Industry. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  17. Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  18. A formal ontological perspective on the behaviors and functions of technical artifacts. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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