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James S. Plank: [Publications] [Author Rank by year] [Co-authors] [Prefers] [Cites] [Cited by]

Publications of Author

  1. Micah Beck, Ying Ding 0002, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    Transnet Architecture and Logistical Networking for Distributed Storage. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ISCA PDCS, 2004, pp:588-593 [Conf]
  2. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    The Logistical Backbone: Scalable Infrastructure for Global Data Grids. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 2002, pp:1-12 [Conf]
  3. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Graham E. Fagg, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Richard Wolski
    The Internet Backplane Protocol: A Study in Resource Sharing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CCGRID, 2002, pp:194-201 [Conf]
  4. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    Logistical Networking: When Institutions Peer. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CCGRID, 2002, pp:446-0 [Conf]
  5. Wael R. Elwasif, James S. Plank, Richard Wolski
    Data Staging Effects in Wide Area Task Farming Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CCGRID, 2001, pp:122-129 [Conf]
  6. Adnan Agbaria, James S. Plank
    Design, Implementation, and Performance of Checkpointing in NetSolve. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    DSN, 2000, pp:49-0 [Conf]
  7. Rebecca L. Collins, James S. Plank
    Assessing the Performance of Erasure Codes in the Wide-Area. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    DSN, 2005, pp:182-187 [Conf]
  8. James S. Plank, Adam L. Buchsbaum, Rebecca L. Collins, Michael G. Thomason
    Small Parity-Check Erasure Codes - Exploration and Observations. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    DSN, 2005, pp:326-335 [Conf]
  9. James S. Plank, Michael G. Thomason
    A Practical Analysis of Low-Density Parity-Check Erasure Codes for Wide-Area Storage Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    DSN, 2004, pp:115-124 [Conf]
  10. Richard D. Schlichting, Andrew A. Chien, Carl Kesselman, Keith Marzullo, James S. Plank, Santosh K. Shrivastava
    Dependability and the Grid: Issues and Challenges. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    DSN, 2002, pp:263-266 [Conf]
  11. Henri Casanova, MyungHo Kim, James S. Plank, Jack Dongarra
    Adaptive Scheduling for Task Farming with Grid Middleware. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Euro-Par, 1999, pp:30-43 [Conf]
  12. James S. Plank, Wael R. Elwasif
    Experimental Assessment of Workstation Failures and Their Impact on Checkpointing Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTCS, 1998, pp:48-57 [Conf]
  13. James S. Plank, Youngbae Kim, Jack Dongarra
    Algorithm-Based Diskless Checkpointing for Fault Tolerant Matrix Operations. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTCS, 1995, pp:351-360 [Conf]
  14. James S. Plank, Kai Li
    Faster Checkpointing with N+1 Parity. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTCS, 1994, pp:288-297 [Conf]
  15. James S. Plank, Michael G. Thomason
    The Average Availability of Parallel Checkpointing Systems and Its Importance in Selecting Runtime Parameters. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTCS, 1999, pp:250-257 [Conf]
  16. Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    Exposed vs. Encapsulated Approaches to Grid Service Archtecture. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    GRID, 2001, pp:124-132 [Conf]
  17. Matthew S. Allen, Richard Wolski, James S. Plank
    Adaptive Timeout Discovery Using the Network Weather Service. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HPDC, 2002, pp:35-41 [Conf]
  18. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Fabien Chanussot, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Robert Harakaly, Laurent Lefèvre, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, Pascale Primet
    Active and Logistical Networking for Grid Computing: The E-toile Architecture. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Conference on Computational Science, 2004, pp:202-209 [Conf]
  19. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Erika Fuentes, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    Logistical Storage Resources for the Grid. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Conference on Computational Science (2), 2002, pp:568-577 [Conf]
  20. Micah Beck, Dorian C. Arnold, Alessandro Bassi, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Graziano Obertelli
    Logistical Computing and Internetworking: Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Active Middleware Services, 2001, pp:12-21 [Conf]
  21. Scott Atchley, Stephen Soltesz, James S. Plank, Micah Beck, Terry Moore
    Fault-Tolerance in the Network Storage Stack. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPDPS, 2002, pp:- [Conf]
  22. Micah Beck, Jack Dongarra, James S. Plank
    NetSolve/D: A Massively Parallel Grid Execution System for Scalable Data Intensive Collaboration. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPDPS, 2005, pp:- [Conf]
  23. James S. Plank, Micah Beck, Jack Dongarra, Richard Wolski, Henri Casanova
    Optimizing Performance and Reliability in Distributed Computing Systems through Wide Spectrum Storage. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPDPS, 2003, pp:209- [Conf]
  24. Richard Wolski, James S. Plank, John Brevik, Todd Bryan
    G-commerce: Market Formulations Controlling Resource Allocation on the Computational Grid. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPDPS, 2001, pp:46- [Conf]
  25. Rebecca L. Collins, James S. Plank
    Content-Addressable IBP - Rationale, Design and Performance. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ITCC (1), 2004, pp:377-281 [Conf]
  26. Rebecca L. Collins, James S. Plank
    Downloading Replicated, Wide-Area Files - A Framework and Empirical Evaluation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    NCA, 2004, pp:89-96 [Conf]
  27. James S. Plank, Matthew S. Allen, Richard Wolski
    The Effect of Timeout Prediction and Selection on Wide Area Collective Operations. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    NCA, 2001, pp:320-331 [Conf]
  28. James S. Plank, Henri Casanova, Micah Beck, Jack Dongarra
    Deploying Fault-Tolerance and Task Migration with NetSolve. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PARA, 1998, pp:418-432 [Conf]
  29. Kai Li, Jeffrey F. Naughton, James S. Plank
    Real-Time, Concurrent Checkpoint for Parallel Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PPOPP, 1990, pp:79-88 [Conf]
  30. Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    An end-to-end approach to globally scalable network storage. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGCOMM, 2002, pp:339-346 [Conf]
  31. Micah Beck, James S. Plank, Jeremy Millar, Scott Atchley, Stephen Soltesz, Alessandro Bassi, Huadong Liu
    Information Security on the Logistical Network: An End-to-End Approach. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Security in Storage Workshop, 2003, pp:31-37 [Conf]
  32. Kai Li, Jeffrey F. Naughton, James S. Plank
    Checkpointing Multicomputer Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SRDS, 1991, pp:2-11 [Conf]
  33. James S. Plank
    Improving the Performance of Coordinated Checkpointers on Networks of Workstations using RAID Techniques. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 1996, pp:76-85 [Conf]
  34. James S. Plank
    Jgraph - A Filter for Plotting Graphs in PostScript. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    USENIX Winter, 1993, pp:61-66 [Conf]
  35. James S. Plank, Micah Beck, Gerry Kingsley, Kai Li
    Libckpt: Transparent Checkpointing under UNIX. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    USENIX Winter, 1995, pp:213-224 [Conf]
  36. Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
    An end-to-end approach to globally scalable programmable networking. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Computer Communication Review, 2003, v:33, n:4, pp:328-339 [Journal]
  37. Micah Beck, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski
    Logistical quality of service in NetSolve. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Computer Communications, 1999, v:22, n:11, pp:1034-1044 [Journal]
  38. Scott Atchley, Stephen Soltesz, James S. Plank, Micah Beck
    Video IBPster. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Future Generation Comp. Syst., 2003, v:19, n:6, pp:861-870 [Journal]
  39. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Laurent Lefèvre, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet
    Active and logistical networking for grid computing: the e-Toile architecture. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Future Generation Comp. Syst., 2005, v:21, n:1, pp:199-208 [Journal]
  40. Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Richard Wolski, Graham E. Fagg
    The Internet Backplane Protocol: a study in resource sharing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Future Generation Comp. Syst., 2003, v:19, n:4, pp:551-561 [Journal]
  41. James S. Plank, Alessandro Bassi, Micah Beck, Terry Moore, D. Martin Swany, Richard Wolski
    Managing Data Storage in the Network. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Internet Computing, 2001, v:5, n:5, pp:50-58 [Journal]
  42. James S. Plank, Youngbae Kim, Jack Dongarra
    Fault-Tolerant Matrix Operations for Networks of Workstations Using Diskless Checkpointing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 1997, v:43, n:2, pp:125-138 [Journal]
  43. James S. Plank, Michael G. Thomason
    Processor Allocation and Checkpoint Interval Selection in Cluster Computing Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 2001, v:61, n:11, pp:1570-1590 [Journal]
  44. Micah Beck, Dorian C. Arnold, Alessandro Bassi, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, Graziano Obertelli, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski
    Middleware for the use of storage in communication. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Parallel Computing, 2002, v:28, n:12, pp:1773-1787 [Journal]
  45. James S. Plank, Scott Atchley, Ying Ding 0002, Micah Beck
    Algorithms for High Performance, Wide-Area Distributed File Downloads. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Parallel Processing Letters, 2003, v:13, n:2, pp:207-223 [Journal]
  46. James S. Plank
    A Tutorial on Reed-Solomon Coding for Fault-Tolerance in RAID-Like Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Softw., Pract. Exper., 1997, v:27, n:9, pp:995-1012 [Journal]
  47. James S. Plank, Yuqun Chen, Kai Li, Micah Beck, Gerry Kingsley
    Memory Exclusion: Optimizing the Performance of Checkpointing Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Softw., Pract. Exper., 1999, v:29, n:2, pp:125-142 [Journal]
  48. James S. Plank, Ying Ding 0002
    Note: Correction to the 1997 tutorial on Reed-Solomon coding. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Softw., Pract. Exper., 2005, v:35, n:2, pp:189-194 [Journal]
  49. E. N. Elnozahy, James S. Plank
    Checkpointing for Peta-Scale Systems: A Look into the Future of Practical Rollback-Recovery. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput., 2004, v:1, n:2, pp:97-108 [Journal]
  50. Kai Li, Jeffrey F. Naughton, James S. Plank
    Low-Latency, Concurrent Checkpointing for Parallel Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 1994, v:5, n:8, pp:874-879 [Journal]
  51. James S. Plank, Kai Li, Michael A. Puening
    Diskless Checkpointing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 1998, v:9, n:10, pp:972-986 [Journal]
  52. James S. Plank, Lihao Xu
    Optimizing Cauchy Reed-Solomon Codes for Fault-Tolerant Network Storage Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    NCA, 2006, pp:173-180 [Conf]
  53. James S. Plank, Henri Casanova, Micah Beck, Jack Dongarra
    Deploying fault tolerance and taks migration with NetSolve. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Future Generation Comp. Syst., 1999, v:15, n:5-6, pp:745-755 [Journal]

  54. An efficient XOR-scheduling algorithm for erasure codes encoding. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  55. The RAID-6 Liberation Codes. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  56. A Performance Evaluation and Examination of Open-Source Erasure Coding Libraries for Storage. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  57. A New Minimum Density RAID-6 Code with a Word Size of Eight. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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