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David R. Karger: [Publications] [Author Rank by year] [Co-authors] [Prefers] [Cites] [Cited by]

Publications of Author

  1. Douglas R. Cutting, David R. Karger, Jan O. Pedersen
    Constant Interaction-Time Scatter/Gather Browsing of Very Large Document Collections. [Citation Graph (4, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGIR, 1993, pp:126-134 [Conf]
  2. Douglas R. Cutting, Jan O. Pedersen, David R. Karger, John W. Tukey
    Scatter/Gather: A Cluster-based Approach to Browsing Large Document Collections. [Citation Graph (4, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGIR, 1992, pp:318-329 [Conf]
  3. David R. Karger
    Random Sampling in Matroids, with Applications to Graph Connectivity and Minimum Spanning Trees [Citation Graph (1, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 1993, pp:84-93 [Conf]
  4. David R. Karger, Steven J. Phillips, Eric Torng
    A Better Algorithm for an Ancient Scheduling Problem. [Citation Graph (1, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1994, pp:132-140 [Conf]
  5. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani, G. D. S. Ramkumar
    On Approximating the Longest Path in a Graph. [Citation Graph (1, 0)][DBLP]
    Algorithmica, 1997, v:18, n:1, pp:82-98 [Journal]
  6. David R. Karger, Dennis Quan
    Haystack: a user interface for creating, browsing, and organizing arbitrary semistructured information. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CHI Extended Abstracts, 2004, pp:777-778 [Conf]
  7. David R. Karger, Dennis Quan
    Collections: flexible, essential tools for information management. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CHI Extended Abstracts, 2004, pp:1159-1162 [Conf]
  8. Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Boris Katz, David R. Karger
    The role of context in question answering systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CHI Extended Abstracts, 2003, pp:1006-1007 [Conf]
  9. Jaime Teevan, Christine Alvarado, Mark S. Ackerman, David R. Karger
    The perfect search engine is not enough: a study of orienteering behavior in directed search. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CHI, 2004, pp:415-422 [Conf]
  10. Michael S. Bernstein, Max Van Kleek, m. c. schraefel, David R. Karger
    Management of personal information scraps. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CHI Extended Abstracts, 2007, pp:2285-2290 [Conf]
  11. David R. Karger, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha
    Haystack: A General-Purpose Information Management Tool for End Users Based on Semistructured Data. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CIDR, 2005, pp:13-26 [Conf]
  12. Eytan Adar, David R. Karger, Lynn Andrea Stein
    Haystack: Per-User Information Environments. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CIKM, 1999, pp:413-422 [Conf]
  13. Daniel W. Engels, David R. Karger, Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Sudipta Sengupta, R. N. Uma, Joel Wein
    Techniques for Scheduling with Rejection. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ESA, 1998, pp:490-501 [Conf]
  14. Foto N. Afrati, Evripidis Bampis, Chandra Chekuri, David R. Karger, Claire Kenyon, Sanjeev Khanna, Ioannis Milis, Maurice Queyranne, Martin Skutella, Clifford Stein, Maxim Sviridenko
    Approximation Schemes for Minimizing Average Weighted Completion Time with Release Dates. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 1999, pp:32-44 [Conf]
  15. Avrim Blum, Shuchi Chawla, David R. Karger, Terran Lane, Adam Meyerson, Maria Minkoff
    Approximation Algorithms for Orienteering and Discounted-Reward TSP. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 2003, pp:46-55 [Conf]
  16. Jon Feldman, David R. Karger
    Decoding Turbo-Like Codes via Linear Programming. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 2002, pp:251-260 [Conf]
  17. David R. Karger, Daphne Koller
    (De)randomized Construction of Small Sample Spaces in \calNC [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 1994, pp:252-263 [Conf]
  18. David R. Karger, Daphne Koller, Steven J. Phillips
    Finding the Hidden Path: Time Bounds for All-Pairs Shortest Paths [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 1991, pp:560-568 [Conf]
  19. David R. Karger, Maria Minkoff
    Building Steiner Trees with Incomplete Global Knowledge. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 2000, pp:613-623 [Conf]
  20. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani, Madhu Sudan
    Approximate Graph Coloring by Semidefinite Programming [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FOCS, 1994, pp:2-13 [Conf]
  21. Frank Dabek, Emma Brunskill, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Ion Stoica, Hari Balakrishnan
    Building peer-to-peer systems with Chord, a distributed lookup service. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HotOS, 2001, pp:81-86 [Conf]
  22. Jason D. Rennie, Lawrence Shih, Jaime Teevan, David R. Karger
    Tackling the Poor Assumptions of Naive Bayes Text Classifiers. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICML, 2003, pp:616-623 [Conf]
  23. Lawrence Shih, Jason D. Rennie, Yu-Han Chang, David R. Karger
    Text Bundling: Statistics Based Data-Reduction. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICML, 2003, pp:696-703 [Conf]
  24. Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Boris Katz, David R. Karger
    What Makes a Good Answer? The Role of Context in Question Answering. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    INTERACT, 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  25. Dennis Quan, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, David R. Karger
    User Interfaces for Supporting Multiple Categorization. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    INTERACT, 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  26. Austin T. Clements, Dan R. K. Ports, David R. Karger
    Arpeggio: Metadata Searching and Content Sharing with Chord. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2005, pp:58-68 [Conf]
  27. Jeremy Stribling, Isaac G. Councill, Jinyang Li, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Scott Shenker
    OverCite: A Cooperative Digital Research Library. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2005, pp:69-79 [Conf]
  28. M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger
    Koorde: A Simple Degree-Optimal Distributed Hash Table. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2003, pp:98-107 [Conf]
  29. David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Simple Efficient Load Balancing Algorithms for Peer-to-Peer Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2004, pp:131-140 [Conf]
  30. David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Diminished Chord: A Protocol for Heterogeneous Subgroup Formation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2004, pp:288-297 [Conf]
  31. Jinyang Li, Boon Thau Loo, Joseph M. Hellerstein, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris
    On the Feasibility of Peer-to-Peer Web Indexing and Search. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2003, pp:207-215 [Conf]
  32. David Liben-Nowell, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger
    Observations on the Dynamic Evolution of Peer-to-Peer Networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPTPS, 2002, pp:22-33 [Conf]
  33. David Huynh, David R. Karger, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha
    Haystack: a platform for creating, organizing and visualizing semistructured information. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Intelligent User Interfaces, 2003, pp:323- [Conf]
  34. David R. Karger, Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan
    Sticky notes for the semantic web. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Intelligent User Interfaces, 2003, pp:254-256 [Conf]
  35. Jinyang Li, John Jannotti, Douglas S. J. De Couto, David R. Karger, Robert Morris
    A scalable location service for geographic ad hoc routing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    MOBICOM, 2000, pp:120-130 [Conf]
  36. Vineet Sinha, Rob Miller, David R. Karger
    Incremental exploratory visualization of relationships in large codebases for program comprehension. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    OOPSLA Companion, 2005, pp:116-117 [Conf]
  37. Vineet Sinha, Rob Miller, David R. Karger
    Incremental exploratory visualization of relationships in large codebases for program comprehension. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    OOPSLA Companion, 2005, pp:198-199 [Conf]
  38. Magdalena Balazinska, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger
    INS/Twine: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Intentional Resource Discovery. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Pervasive, 2002, pp:195-210 [Conf]
  39. Nick Feamster, Magdalena Balazinska, Winston Wang, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger
    Thwarting Web Censorship with Untrusted Messenger Discovery. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2003, pp:125-140 [Conf]
  40. Cliff Young, David S. Johnson, David R. Karger, Michael D. Smith
    Near-optimal Intraprocedural Branch Alignment. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PLDI, 1997, pp:183-193 [Conf]
  41. David R. Karger, Evdokia Nikolova
    Brief announcement: on the expected overpayment of VCG mechanisms in large networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PODC, 2005, pp:126- [Conf]
  42. David Liben-Nowell, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger
    Analysis of the evolution of peer-to-peer systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PODC, 2002, pp:233-242 [Conf]
  43. David Huynh, Stefano Mazzocchi, David R. Karger
    Piggy Bank: Experience the Semantic Web Inside Your Web Browser. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Semantic Web Conference, 2005, pp:413-430 [Conf]
  44. David R. Karger, Dennis Quan
    What Would It Mean to Blog on the Semantic Web? [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Semantic Web Conference, 2004, pp:214-228 [Conf]
  45. Emmanuel Pietriga, Christian Bizer, David Karger, Ryan Lee
    Fresnel: A Browser-Independent Presentation Vocabulary for RDF. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Semantic Web Conference, 2006, pp:158-171 [Conf]
  46. Dennis Quan, David Huynh, David R. Karger
    Haystack: A Platform for Authoring End User Semantic Web Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Semantic Web Conference, 2003, pp:738-753 [Conf]
  47. Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David R. Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari Balakrishnan
    Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGCOMM, 2001, pp:149-160 [Conf]
  48. Michael Walfish, Mythili Vutukuru, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger, Scott Shenker
    DDoS defense by offense. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGCOMM, 2006, pp:303-314 [Conf]
  49. Nicole Immorlica, David R. Karger, Evdokia Nikolova, Rahul Sami
    First-price path auctions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2005, pp:203-212 [Conf]
  50. Harr Chen, David R. Karger
    Less is more: probabilistic models for retrieving fewer relevant documents. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGIR, 2006, pp:429-436 [Conf]
  51. Jaime Teevan, David R. Karger
    Empirical development of an exponential probabilistic model for text retrieval: using textual analysis to build a better model. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGIR, 2003, pp:18-25 [Conf]
  52. Vineet Sinha, David R. Karger
    Magnet: Supporting Navigation in Semistructured Data Environments. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIGMOD Conference, 2005, pp:97-106 [Conf]
  53. Sanjeev Arora, Michelangelo Grigni, David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Andrzej Woloszyn
    A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Weighted Planar Graph TSP. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1998, pp:33-41 [Conf]
  54. András A. Benczúr, David R. Karger
    Augmenting Undirected Edge Connectivity in Õ(n2) Time. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1998, pp:500-509 [Conf]
  55. Chandra Chekuri, Andrew V. Goldberg, David R. Karger, Matthew S. Levine, Clifford Stein
    Experimental Study of Minimum Cut Algorithms. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1997, pp:324-333 [Conf]
  56. Daniel W. Engels, Jon Feldman, David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Parallel processor scheduling with delay constraints. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2001, pp:577-585 [Conf]
  57. Nicholas J. A. Harvey, David R. Karger, Kazuo Murota
    Deterministic network coding by matrix completion. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2005, pp:489-498 [Conf]
  58. Nicholas J. A. Harvey, David R. Karger, Sergey Yekhanin
    The complexity of matrix completion. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2006, pp:1103-1111 [Conf]
  59. Nicole Immorlica, David R. Karger, Maria Minkoff, Vahab S. Mirrokni
    On the costs and benefits of procrastination: approximation algorithms for stochastic combinatorial optimization problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2004, pp:691-700 [Conf]
  60. David R. Karger
    Global Min-cuts in RNC, and Other Ramifications of a Simple Min-Cut Algorithm. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1993, pp:21-30 [Conf]
  61. David R. Karger
    Using Randomized Sparsification to Approximate Minimum Cuts. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1994, pp:424-432 [Conf]
  62. David R. Karger
    Better Random Sampling Algorithms for Flows in Undirected Graphs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1998, pp:490-499 [Conf]
  63. David R. Karger, Nathan Srebro
    Learning Markov networks: maximum bounded tree-width graphs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2001, pp:392-401 [Conf]
  64. David R. Karger, Ray P. Tai
    Implementing a Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for All Terminal Network Reliability. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 1997, pp:334-343 [Conf]
  65. Frank Dabek, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Ion Stoica
    Wide-Area Cooperative Storage with CFS. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SOSP, 2001, pp:202-215 [Conf]
  66. Perry Fizzano, David R. Karger, Clifford Stein, Joel Wein
    Job Scheduling in Rings. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SPAA, 1994, pp:210-219 [Conf]
  67. David R. Karger, Noam Nisan, Michal Parnas
    Fast Connected Components Algorithms for the EREW PRAM. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SPAA, 1992, pp:373-381 [Conf]
  68. David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Simple efficient load balancing algorithms for peer-to-peer systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SPAA, 2004, pp:36-43 [Conf]
  69. Sanjeev Arora, David R. Karger, Marek Karpinski
    Polynomial time approximation schemes for dense instances of NP-hard problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1995, pp:284-293 [Conf]
  70. András A. Benczúr, David R. Karger
    Approximating s-t Minimum Cuts in Õ(n2) Time. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1996, pp:47-55 [Conf]
  71. David R. Karger
    Random sampling in cut, flow, and network design problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1994, pp:648-657 [Conf]
  72. David R. Karger
    A randomized fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the all terminal network reliability problem. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1995, pp:11-17 [Conf]
  73. David R. Karger
    Minimum Cuts in Near-Linear Time. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1996, pp:56-63 [Conf]
  74. David R. Karger
    Using Random Sampling to Find Maximum Flows in Uncapacitated Undirected Graphs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1997, pp:240-249 [Conf]
  75. David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young
    Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1999, pp:668-678 [Conf]
  76. David R. Karger, Matthew S. Levine
    Random sampling in residual graphs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 2002, pp:63-66 [Conf]
  77. David R. Karger, Matthew S. Levine
    Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1998, pp:69-78 [Conf]
  78. David R. Karger, Eric Lehman, Frank Thomson Leighton, Rina Panigrahy, Matthew S. Levine, Daniel Lewin
    Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1997, pp:654-663 [Conf]
  79. David R. Karger, Serge A. Plotkin
    Adding multiple cost constraints to combinatorial optimization problems, with applications to multicommodity flows. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1995, pp:18-25 [Conf]
  80. David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 2002, pp:741-750 [Conf]
  81. David R. Karger, Clifford Stein
    An O~(n2) algorithm for minimum cuts. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STOC, 1993, pp:757-765 [Conf]
  82. David Huynh, David R. Karger, Dennis Quan
    Haystack: A Platform for Creating, Organizing and Visualizing Information Using RDF. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Semantic Web Workshop, 2002, pp:- [Conf]
  83. Dennis Quan, David Huynh, David R. Karger, Robert Miller
    User interface continuations. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    UIST, 2003, pp:145-148 [Conf]
  84. David F. Huynh, Robert C. Miller, David R. Karger
    Enabling web browsers to augment web sites' filtering and sorting functionalities. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    UIST, 2006, pp:125-134 [Conf]
  85. Nick Feamster, Magdalena Balazinska, Greg Harfst, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger
    Infranet: Circumventing Web Censorship and Surveillance. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2002, pp:247-262 [Conf]
  86. Vineet Sinha, David R. Karger, Rob Miller
    Relo: Helping Users Manage Context during Interactive Exploratory Visualization of Large Codebases. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    VL/HCC, 2006, pp:187-194 [Conf]
  87. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani, G. D. S. Ramkumar
    On Approximating the Longest Path in a Graph (Preliminary Version). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WADS, 1993, pp:421-432 [Conf]
  88. Joan Feigenbaum, David R. Karger, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Rahul Sami
    Subjective-Cost Policy Routing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WINE, 2005, pp:174-183 [Conf]
  89. Andrew Hogue, David R. Karger
    Thresher: automating the unwrapping of semantic content from the World Wide Web. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW, 2005, pp:86-95 [Conf]
  90. David Huynh, Dennis Quan, David R. Karger
    User Interaction Experience for Semantic Web Information. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW (Posters), 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  91. Dennis Quan, Karun Bakshi, David R. Karger
    A Unified Abstraction for Messaging on the Semantic Web. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW (Posters), 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  92. Dennis Quan, David Huynh, David R. Karger
    Haystack: A Platform for Authoring End User Semantic Web Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW (Posters), 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  93. L. K. Shih, David R. Karger
    Using urls and table layout for web classification tasks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW, 2004, pp:193-202 [Conf]
  94. Vineet Sinha, David R. Karger, David Huynh
    Assisted Browsing for Semistructured Data. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW (Posters), 2003, pp:- [Conf]
  95. Hari Balakrishnan, M. Frans Kaashoek, David R. Karger, Robert Morris, Ion Stoica
    Looking up data in P2P systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Commun. ACM, 2003, v:46, n:2, pp:43-48 [Journal]
  96. David R. Karger, William Jones
    Data unification in personal information management. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Commun. ACM, 2006, v:49, n:1, pp:77-82 [Journal]
  97. David R. Karger, Alex Sherman, Andy Berkheimer, Bill Bogstad, Rizwan Dhanidina, Ken Iwamoto, Brian Kim, Luke Matkins, Yoav Yerushalmi
    Web Caching with Consistent Hashing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Computer Networks, 1999, v:31, n:11-16, pp:1203-1213 [Journal]
  98. David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young
    Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 2002, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  99. András A. Benczúr, David R. Karger
    Randomized Approximation Schemes for Cuts and Flows in Capacitated Graphs [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 2002, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  100. David R. Karger
    A Fully Polynomial Randomized Approximation Scheme for the All Terminal Network Reliability Problem [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 1998, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  101. David R. Karger
    Minimum Cuts in Near-Linear Time [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 1998, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  102. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani, Madhu Sudan
    Approximate Graph Coloring by Semidefinite Programming [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 1998, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  103. Avrim Blum, David R. Karger
    An Õ(n^{3/14})-Coloring Algorithm for 3-Colorable Graphs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Process. Lett., 1997, v:61, n:1, pp:49-53 [Journal]
  104. David R. Karger
    Minimum cuts in near-linear time. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. ACM, 2000, v:47, n:1, pp:46-76 [Journal]
  105. David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Robert Endre Tarjan
    A Randomized Linear-Time Algorithm to Find Minimum Spanning Trees. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. ACM, 1995, v:42, n:2, pp:321-328 [Journal]
  106. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani, Madhu Sudan
    Approximate Graph Coloring by Semidefinite Programming. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. ACM, 1998, v:45, n:2, pp:246-265 [Journal]
  107. David R. Karger, Clifford Stein
    A New Approach to the Minimum Cut Problem. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. ACM, 1996, v:43, n:4, pp:601-640 [Journal]
  108. András A. Benczúr, David R. Karger
    Augmenting Undirected Edge Connectivity in Õ(n2) Time. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Algorithms, 2000, v:37, n:1, pp:2-36 [Journal]
  109. Daniel W. Engels, David R. Karger, Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Sudipta Sengupta, R. N. Uma, Joel Wein
    Techniques for scheduling with rejection. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Algorithms, 2003, v:49, n:1, pp:175-191 [Journal]
  110. David R. Karger, Steven J. Phillips, Eric Torng
    A Better Algorithm for an Ancient Scheduling Problem. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Algorithms, 1996, v:20, n:2, pp:400-430 [Journal]
  111. Sanjeev Arora, David R. Karger, Marek Karpinski
    Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Dense Instances of NP-Hard Problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1999, v:58, n:1, pp:193-210 [Journal]
  112. Jon Feldman, David R. Karger
    Decoding turbo-like codes via linear programming. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2004, v:68, n:4, pp:733-752 [Journal]
  113. David R. Karger, Daphne Koller
    (De)randomized Construction of Small Sample Spaces in NC. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1997, v:55, n:3, pp:402-413 [Journal]
  114. Raj Iyer, David R. Karger, Hariharan Rahul, Mikkel Thorup
    An Experimental Study of Polylogarithmic, Fully Dynamic, Connectivity Algorithms. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms, 2001, v:6, n:, pp:4- [Journal]
  115. Perry Fizzano, David R. Karger, Clifford Stein, Joel Wein
    Distributed Job Scheduling in Rings. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 1997, v:45, n:2, pp:122-133 [Journal]
  116. David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young
    Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Math. Oper. Res., 2004, v:29, n:3, pp:436-461 [Journal]
  117. David R. Karger
    Random sampling and greedy sparsification for matroid optimization problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Math. Program., 1998, v:82, n:, pp:41-81 [Journal]
  118. David R. Karger
    A Randomized Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the All-Terminal Network Reliability Problem. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIAM J. Comput., 1999, v:29, n:2, pp:492-514 [Journal]
  119. David R. Karger, Daphne Koller, Steven J. Phillips
    Finding the Hidden Path: Time Bounds for All-Pairs Shortest Paths. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIAM J. Comput., 1993, v:22, n:6, pp:1199-1217 [Journal]
  120. David R. Karger, Rajeev Motwani
    An NC Algorithm for Minimum Cuts. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIAM J. Comput., 1997, v:26, n:1, pp:255-272 [Journal]
  121. David R. Karger, Noam Nisan, Michal Parnas
    Fast Connected Components Algorithms for the EREW PRAM. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIAM J. Comput., 1999, v:28, n:3, pp:1021-1034 [Journal]
  122. Jon Feldman, Martin J. Wainwright, David R. Karger
    Using linear programming to Decode Binary linear codes. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2005, v:51, n:3, pp:954-972 [Journal]
  123. Desmond S. Lun, Niranjan Ratnakar, Muriel Médard, Ralf Koetter, David R. Karger, Tracey Ho, Ebad Ahmed, Fang Zhao
    Minimum-cost multicast over coded packet networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2006, v:52, n:6, pp:2608-2623 [Journal]
  124. Tracey Ho, Muriel Médard, Ralf Koetter, David R. Karger, Michelle Effros, J. Shi, B. Leong
    A Random Linear Network Coding Approach to Multicast. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2006, v:52, n:10, pp:4413-4430 [Journal]
  125. Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Liben-Nowell, David R. Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Frank Dabek, Hari Balakrishnan
    Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for internet applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2003, v:11, n:1, pp:17-32 [Journal]
  126. David Huynh, Stefano Mazzocchi, David R. Karger
    Piggy Bank: Experience the Semantic Web inside your web browser. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Web Sem., 2007, v:5, n:1, pp:16-27 [Journal]
  127. David R. Karger, Dennis Quan
    What would it mean to blog on the semantic web? [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Web Sem., 2005, v:3, n:2-3, pp:147-157 [Journal]
  128. Evdokia Nikolova, Matthew Brand, David R. Karger
    Optimal Route Planning under Uncertainty. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICAPS, 2006, pp:131-141 [Conf]
  129. Michael Walfish, J. D. Zamfirescu, Hari Balakrishnan, David R. Karger, Scott Shenker
    Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam Control. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    NSDI, 2006, pp:- [Conf]
  130. David F. Huynh, Robert C. Miller, David R. Karger
    Potluck: Semi-ontology Alignment for Casual Users. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ISWC/ASWC, 2007, pp:903-910 [Conf]
  131. David F. Huynh, Robert C. Miller, David R. Karger
    Potluck: Data Mash-Up Tool for Casual Users. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ISWC/ASWC, 2007, pp:239-252 [Conf]
  132. David Karger, Krzysztof Onak
    Polynomial approximation schemes for smoothed and random instances of multidimensional packing problems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SODA, 2007, pp:1207-1216 [Conf]
  133. Max Van Kleek, Michael S. Bernstein, David R. Karger, m. c. schraefel
    Gui --- phooey!: the case for text input. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    UIST, 2007, pp:193-202 [Conf]
  134. Yuan Kui Shen, David R. Karger
    U-REST: an unsupervised record extraction system. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW, 2007, pp:1347-1348 [Conf]
  135. David F. Huynh, David R. Karger, Robert C. Miller
    Exhibit: lightweight structured data publishing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    WWW, 2007, pp:737-746 [Conf]
  136. Siddharth Ray, Michelle Effros, Muriel Médard, Ralf Koetter, Tracey Ho, David R. Karger, Jinane Abounadi
    On Separation, Randomness and Linearity for Network Codes over Finite Fields [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 2006, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  137. Desmond S. Lun, Niranjan Ratnakar, Muriel Médard, Ralf Koetter, David R. Karger, Tracey Ho, Ebad Ahmed, Fang Zhao
    Minimum-Cost Multicast over Coded Packet Networks [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 2005, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  138. David R. Karger, Matthias Ruhl
    Simple Efficient Load-Balancing Algorithms for Peer-to-Peer Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Theory Comput. Syst., 2006, v:39, n:6, pp:787-804 [Journal]
  139. Avrim Blum, Shuchi Chawla, David R. Karger, Terran Lane, Adam Meyerson, Maria Minkoff
    Approximation Algorithms for Orienteering and Discounted-Reward TSP. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SIAM J. Comput., 2007, v:37, n:2, pp:653-670 [Journal]
  140. Joan Feigenbaum, David R. Karger, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Rahul Sami
    Subjective-cost policy routing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007, v:378, n:2, pp:175-189 [Journal]

  141. Route Planning under Uncertainty: The Canadian Traveller Problem. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  142. Efficient Algorithms for Fixed-Precision Instances of Bin Packing and Euclidean TSP. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  143. Note to self: examining personal information keeping in a lightweight note-taking tool. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  144. Enhancing directed content sharing on the web. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  145. Eyebrowse: real-time web activity sharing and visualization. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  146. Randomized Decoding for Selection-and-Ordering Problems. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  147. Global Models of Document Structure using Latent Permutations. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  148. Understanding code architectures via interactive exploration and layout of layered diagrams. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  149. Understanding code architectures via interactive exploration and layout of layered diagrams. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  150. Potluck: Semi-Ontology Alignment for Casual Users. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  151. Improved distance sensitivity oracles via random sampling. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  152. A near-linear time algorithm for constructing a cactus representation of minimum cuts. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  153. Improved approximations for multiprocessor scheduling under uncertainty. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  154. A nearly optimal oracle for avoiding failed vertices and edges. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  155. Inky: a sloppy command line for the web with rich visual feedback. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  156. The web page as a WYSIWYG end-user customizable database-backed information management application. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  157. Talking about data: sharing richly structured information through blogs and wikis. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  158. Sync kit: a persistent client-side database caching toolkit for data intensive websites. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  159. Atomate it! end-user context-sensitive automation using heterogeneous information sources on the web. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  160. Relo: helping users manage context during interactive exploratory visualization of large codebases. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  161. Improved Approximations for Multiprocessor Scheduling Under Uncertainty [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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