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R. K. Shyamasundar: [Publications] [Author Rank by year] [Co-authors] [Prefers] [Cites] [Cited by]

Publications of Author

  1. R. K. Shyamasundar, M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Deepak Kapur
    Rewriting Concepts in the Study of Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ALPUK, 1992, pp:3-20 [Conf]
  2. R. K. Shyamasundar
    Specification of Hybrid Systems in CRP. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    AMAST, 1993, pp:225-236 [Conf]
  3. Rajesh Gupta, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Reactive Framework for Resource Aware Distributed Computing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 2004, pp:452-467 [Conf]
  4. Sophie Pinchinat, Éric Rutten, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Preemption Primitives in Reactive Languages (A Preliminary Report). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 1995, pp:111-125 [Conf]
  5. Sophie Pinchinat, Éric Rutten, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Taxonomy and Expressiveness of Preemption: A Syntactic Approach. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 1998, pp:125-141 [Conf]
  6. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Combinatory Formulations of Concurrent Languages. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 1995, pp:156-170 [Conf]
  7. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Mobile Computation: Calculus and Languages (A Tutorial). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 1998, pp:300-304 [Conf]
  8. Rupak Majumdar, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Design of Controllers for Linear Hybrid Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 1996, pp:309-320 [Conf]
  9. R. K. Shyamasundar, Siddharth B. Deshmukh
    MicroBill: An Efficient Secure System for Subscription Based Services. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 2002, pp:220-232 [Conf]
  10. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Deepak Kapur, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Transformational Methodology for Proving Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CSL, 1991, pp:213-226 [Conf]
  11. Mesfin Belachew, R. K. Shyamasundar
    MSC+: From Requirement to Prototyped Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ECRTS, 2001, pp:117-124 [Conf]
  12. Vishwas Patil, R. K. Shyamasundar
    An Efficient, Secure and Delegable Micro-Payment System. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    EEE, 2004, pp:394-404 [Conf]
  13. Vishwas Patil, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Towards a Flexible Access Control Mechanism for E-Transactions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    EGCDMAS, 2004, pp:66-81 [Conf]
  14. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Actors as a Coordinating Model of Computation (Extended Abstract). [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Ershov Memorial Conference, 1996, pp:191-202 [Conf]
  15. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Paritosh K. Pandya, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Verification Tools in the Development of Provably Correct Compilers. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FME, 1993, pp:442-461 [Conf]
  16. Sanjit A. Seshia, R. K. Shyamasundar, A. K. Bhattacharjee, S. D. Dhodapkar
    A Translation of Statecharts to Esterel. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    World Congress on Formal Methods, 1999, pp:983-1007 [Conf]
  17. Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Modeling Distributed Embedded Systems in Multiclock ESTEREL. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FORTE, 2000, pp:301-316 [Conf]
  18. Ramaswamy Ramanujam, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Process Specification of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FSTTCS, 1984, pp:31-43 [Conf]
  19. A. K. Bhattacharjee, Gopa Sen, S. D. Dhodapkar, Kundapur Karunakar, Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A System for Object Code Validation. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTRTFT, 2000, pp:152-169 [Conf]
  20. Leo Yuhsiang Liu, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Static Analysis of Real-time Distributed Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTRTFT, 1988, pp:134-138 [Conf]
  21. R. K. Shyamasundar, S. Ramesh
    Languages for Reactive Specifications: Synchrony Vs Asynchrony. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    FTRTFT, 1994, pp:621-640 [Conf]
  22. Amit Jain, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Failure Detection and Membership Management in Grid Environments. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    GRID, 2004, pp:44-52 [Conf]
  23. Satyajit Acharya, Hrushikesha Mohanty, R. K. Shyamasundar
    MOBICHARTS: A Notation to Specify Mobile Computing Applications. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HICSS, 2003, pp:298- [Conf]
  24. R. K. Shyamasundar, Basant Rajan, Manish Prasad, Amit Jain
    LLM: A Low Latency Messaging Infrastructure for Linux Clusters. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HiPC, 2002, pp:112-123 [Conf]
  25. Deepak Kapur, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Synthesizing Controllers for Hybrid Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    HART, 1997, pp:361-375 [Conf]
  26. R. K. Shyamasundar, S. Ramesh
    Semantics and Verification of Hierarchical CRP Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Hybrid Systems, 1994, pp:436-461 [Conf]
  27. R. K. Shyamasundar, K. T. Narayana, Toniann Pitassi
    Semantics for Nondeterministic Asynchronous Broadcast Networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICALP, 1987, pp:72-83 [Conf]
  28. Neelima Arora, R. K. Shyamasundar
    UGSP: Secure Key Establishment Protocol for Ad-Hoc Network. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICDCIT, 2004, pp:391-399 [Conf]
  29. A. K. Bhattacharjee, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Validated Code Generation for Activity Diagrams. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICDCIT, 2005, pp:508-521 [Conf]
  30. Neelima Arora, R. K. Shyamasundar
    UGSP: Authentication Based Secure Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICETE (3), 2004, pp:191-196 [Conf]
  31. N. V. Narendra Kumar, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Specification and Realization of Access Control in SPKI/SDSI. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICISS, 2006, pp:177-193 [Conf]
  32. Rohit N. Kundaji, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Development of Semantic Debuggers Based on Refinement Calculus. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICLP, 2004, pp:460-461 [Conf]
  33. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Deepak Kapur, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Proving Termination of GHC Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICLP, 1993, pp:720-736 [Conf]
  34. Ladan Kazerouni, Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Derivation of Systolic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ICPP (3), 1994, pp:69-73 [Conf]
  35. Mohit Garg, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Distributed Clustering Framework in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2004, pp:32-38 [Conf]
  36. Leo Yuhsiang Liu, R. K. Shyamasundar
    RT-CDL: A Real Time Design Language and Its Semantics. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IFIP Congress, 1989, pp:21-26 [Conf]
  37. S. Mahadevan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Correctness Preserving Transformations for Distributed Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IFIP Congress, 1983, pp:307-313 [Conf]
  38. R. K. Shyamasundar
    Specifying Dynamic Reat-Time Systems in CRP. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IFIP Congress (1), 1994, pp:75-80 [Conf]
  39. Vivek S. Borkar, Mehul S. Dave, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Algorithmic Mechanisms for Secure Multi-Auction Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IICAI, 2003, pp:212-225 [Conf]
  40. Ladan Kazerouni, Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Mapping Linear Recurrences onto Systolic Arrays. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPPS, 1996, pp:891-897 [Conf]
  41. Ashok Khemaka, K. V. Subramanyam, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Multiprocessors Scheduling for Imprecise Computations in a Hard Real-Time Environment. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPPS, 1993, pp:374-378 [Conf]
  42. Ashok Khemka, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Multiprocessor Scheduling of Periodic Tasks in a Hard Real-Time Environment. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPPS, 1992, pp:76-81 [Conf]
  43. Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Multiclock Esterel: A Reactive Framework for Asynchronous Design. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IPDPS, 2000, pp:201-210 [Conf]
  44. Ron Koymans, R. K. Shyamasundar, Willem P. de Roever, Rob Gerth, S. Arun-Kumar
    Compositional Semantics for Real-time Distributed Computing. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Logic of Programs, 1985, pp:167-189 [Conf]
  45. K. Kalyanasundaram, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Formal verification of pipelined processors with precise exceptions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    MEMOCODE, 2004, pp:129-139 [Conf]
  46. Bal Wang, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Towards a Characterization of Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PLILP, 1990, pp:204-221 [Conf]
  47. G. Berry, S. Ramesh, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Communicating Reactive Processes. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    POPL, 1993, pp:85-98 [Conf]
  48. Shivali Agarwal, Rajkishore Barik, Vivek Sarkar, R. K. Shyamasundar
    May-happen-in-parallel analysis of X10 programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PPOPP, 2007, pp:183-193 [Conf]
  49. R. K. Shyamasundar, J. V. Aghav
    Validating Real-Time Constraints in Embedded Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    PRDC, 2001, pp:347-355 [Conf]
  50. A. K. Bhattacharjee, S. D. Dhodapkar, Sanjit A. Seshia, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Graphical Environment for the Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SAFECOMP, 1999, pp:431-444 [Conf]
  51. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Unification-Free Execution of Well-Moded and Well-Typed Prolog Programs [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SAS, 1995, pp:243-260 [Conf]
  52. Bal Wang, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Methodology for Proving the Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    STACS, 1991, pp:214-227 [Conf]
  53. Siddharth R. Phanse, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Application of Esterel for Modelling and Verification of Cachet Protocol on CRF Memory Model. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    VLSI Design, 2001, pp:179-188 [Conf]
  54. Basant Rajan, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Modeling VHDL in Multiclock ESTEREL. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    VLSI Design, 2000, pp:76-83 [Conf]
  55. R. K. Shyamasundar
    Analyzing Cryptographic Protocols in a Reactive Framework. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    VMCAI, 2002, pp:46-64 [Conf]
  56. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Jitesh Mulchandani, Deepak Chenthati, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Modeling Web Services with FSM Modules. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2007, pp:100-105 [Conf]
  57. Kamal Lodaya, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Proof Theory for Exception Handling in a Tasking Environment. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Acta Inf., 1990, v:28, n:1, pp:7-41 [Journal]
  58. Leo Yuhsiang Liu, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Exception Handling in RT-CDL. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Comput. Lang., 1990, v:15, n:3, pp:177-192 [Journal]
  59. Leo Yuhsiang Liu, R. K. Shyamasundar
    RT-CDL: A Distributed Real-Time Design Language and Its Operational Semantics. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Comput. Lang., 1994, v:20, n:1, pp:1-23 [Journal]
  60. D. Ravi, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Approximate Computation of Reach Sets in Hybrid Systems [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    CoRR, 2002, v:0, n:, pp:- [Journal]
  61. Kulathur S. Rajasethupathy, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A New Parsing Algorithm for EOL-Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, 1982, v:18, n:10/11, pp:543-564 [Journal]
  62. R. K. Shyamasundar
    LR-Deterministic Grammars. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, 1978, v:14, n:7/8, pp:361-376 [Journal]
  63. Ron Koymans, R. K. Shyamasundar, Willem P. de Roever, Rob Gerth, S. Arun-Kumar
    Compositional Semantics for Real-Time Distributed Computing [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Comput., 1988, v:79, n:3, pp:210-256 [Journal]
  64. R. K. Shyamasundar, K. T. Narayana, Toniann Pitassi
    Semantics of Nondeterministic Asynchronous Broadcast Networks [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Comput., 1993, v:104, n:2, pp:215-252 [Journal]
  65. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    The Quine-Bernays Combinatory Calculus. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 1995, v:6, n:4, pp:417-430 [Journal]
  66. R. K. Shyamasundar, S. Ramesh
    Languages for Reactive Specifications: Synchrony Vs Asynchrony. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 2000, v:11, n:2, pp:283-314 [Journal]
  67. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Type Systems for Concurrent Programming Calculi. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Informatica (Slovenia), 2004, v:28, n:1, pp:103-113 [Journal]
  68. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Type Systems for Concurrent Programming Calculi. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Informatica (Slovenia), 2003, v:27, n:4, pp:433-443 [Journal]
  69. Eric C. R. Hehner, R. K. Shyamasundar
    An Implementation of P and V. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Process. Lett., 1981, v:12, n:4, pp:196-198 [Journal]
  70. R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Note on Linear Precedence Functions. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Process. Lett., 1976, v:5, n:3, pp:81- [Journal]
  71. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A closer look at constraints as processes. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Process. Lett., 2006, v:98, n:5, pp:206-210 [Journal]
  72. Kulathur S. Rajasethupathy, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Programmed OL-systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Sci., 1980, v:20, n:2, pp:137-150 [Journal]
  73. A. Ravichandran, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Correctness proof for the majority consensus algorithm. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Inf. Sci., 1986, v:38, n:3, pp:213-227 [Journal]
  74. Vishwas Patil, R. K. Shyamasundar
    e-coupons: An Efficient, Secure and Delegable Micro-Payment System. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Information Systems Frontiers, 2005, v:7, n:4-5, pp:371-389 [Journal]
  75. R. K. Shyamasundar, Bal Wang
    A Methodology for Provin Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Log. Program., 1994, v:21, n:1, pp:1-30 [Journal]
  76. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Deepak Kapur, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Transformational Methodology for Proving Termination of Logic Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Log. Program., 1998, v:34, n:1, pp:1-41 [Journal]
  77. K. C. Anand, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Formal Verification of Activity-Based Specification of Protocols. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 2000, v:60, n:5, pp:639-676 [Journal]
  78. Ashok Khemka, R. K. Shyamasundar
    An Optimal Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 1997, v:43, n:1, pp:37-45 [Journal]
  79. M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Deepak Kapur, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Proving Termination of GHC Programs. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    New Generation Comput., 1997, v:15, n:3, pp:293-338 [Journal]
  80. S. K. Ghosh, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A linear time algorithm for obtaining the convex hull of a simple polygon. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Pattern Recognition, 1983, v:16, n:6, pp:587-592 [Journal]
  81. S. K. Ghosh, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A linear time algorithm for computing the convex hull of an ordered crossing polygon. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Pattern Recognition, 1984, v:17, n:3, pp:351-358 [Journal]
  82. R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Simple Livelock-Free Algorithm for Packet Switching. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Sci. Comput. Program., 1984, v:4, n:3, pp:249-256 [Journal]
  83. V. Murali, R. K. Shyamasundar
    A Sentence Generator for a Compiler for PT, a Pascal Subset. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Softw., Pract. Exper., 1983, v:13, n:9, pp:857-869 [Journal]
  84. Rohit N. Kundaji, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Refinement calculus: A basis for translation validation, debugging and certification. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Theor. Comput. Sci., 2006, v:354, n:1, pp:153-168 [Journal]
  85. R. K. Shyamasundar
    On a Characterization of Pushdown Permuters. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Theor. Comput. Sci., 1982, v:17, n:, pp:333-341 [Journal]
  86. Susmit Jha, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Adapting Biochemical Kripke Structures for Distributed Model Checking. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    , 2006, v:, n:, pp:107-122 [Journal]
  87. N. Raja, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Combinatory Formaulations of Concurrent Languages. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 1997, v:19, n:6, pp:899-915 [Journal]
  88. Leo Yuhsiang Liu, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Static Analysis of Real-Time Distributed Systems. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1990, v:16, n:4, pp:373-388 [Journal]
  89. R. K. Shyamasundar, James W. Thatcher
    Language Constructs for Specifying Concurrency in CDL*. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1989, v:15, n:8, pp:977-993 [Journal]
  90. Harshit Shah, R. K. Shyamasundar
    On Run-Time Enforcement of Policies. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    ASIAN, 2007, pp:268-281 [Conf]
  91. Frederic Doucet, Ingolf Krüger, Rajesh K. Gupta, R. K. Shyamasundar
    Compositional interaction specifications for SystemC. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    MEMOCODE, 2006, pp:201- [Conf]
  92. Shivali Agarwal, Rajkishore Barik, Dan Bonachea, Vivek Sarkar, R. K. Shyamasundar, Katherine A. Yelick
    Deadlock-free scheduling of X10 computations with bounded resources. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    SPAA, 2007, pp:229-240 [Conf]
  93. Jagadish Suryadevara, R. K. Shyamasundar
    UML-based Approach to Specify Secured, Fine-grained Concurrent Access to Shared Resources. [Citation Graph (0, 0)][DBLP]
    Journal of Object Technology, 2007, v:6, n:1, pp:- [Journal]

  94. Static Detection of Place Locality and Elimination of Runtime Checks. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  95. A Proof System for a PGAS Language. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  96. Computing Predicate Abstractions by Integrating BDDs and SMT Solvers. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  97. A Static Characterization of Affinity in a Distributed Program. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  98. Reactivity in SystemC Transaction-Level Models. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  99. Malware: From Modelling to Practical Detection. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  100. A Framework for Web-Based Negotiation. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  101. Trust Assessment in Web Services: an Extension to jUDDI. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  102. Can we certify systems for freedom from malware. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  103. Choreography = Orchestration with Scripts + Conversations. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  104. Concurrent SSA for general barrier-synchronized parallel programs. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  105. Distributed Scheduling of Parallel Hybrid Computations. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  106. Brief announcement: distributed phase synchronization of dynamic set of processes. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  107. Backward-compatible constant-time exception-protected memory. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  108. ScriptOrc: A Specification Language for Web Service Choreography. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

  109. Translating Security Policy to Executable Code for Sandboxing Linux Kernel. [Citation Graph (, )][DBLP]

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